Jira recipe

Install or upgrade Atlassian Jira with the binary installer on Linux.

This instruction assumes that Jira is installed in /opt/jira and the data directory is /var/jira. The installation is on Ubuntu Linux but should also work on other flavours of Linux. Jira requires a supported database, in this instruction I assume that the database is already configured.


Check if the requirements in the supported platforms are met.

Please read the release notes, adjust the version number in the URL.

Download binary Jira installer from Atlassian (replace the JIRA version with the required one). Go to the Jira download page to find the correct version.

cd /opt/download
curl -vvkL https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/downloads/binary/atlassian-jira-software-M.m.p-x64.bin > atlassian-jira-software-M.m.p-x64.bin
# M = major version
# m = minor version
# p = patch level
# e.g. 7.5.3
chmod u+x atlassian-jira-software-M.m.p-x64.bin

/opt needs at least 800M of free space, clean-up or extend filesystem

Perform these steps

Upgrade / Install

cd /opt

If JIRA is started at the end of the installation, please shutdown via /opt/jira/bin/shutdown.sh.

If installation is not in the desired location move installation from /opt/atlassian/jira/ to /opt/jira.




© 2014–2022 Claus Gerull. All rights reserved.